Friday, October 20, 2006

Fraggle Update

This is a letter sent to the Mayor, the Governator, and shared with the Rescue Community at large. It shows how difficult it has become to try to help our animals!

...I must express how discouraged we are with the mis-information we are receiving about some of the special needs (epileptic) animals seized from Noah's Ark, and currently in the care of LBAC.I called today to ask specifically about a dog in cage 717, named Fraggle, an epileptic Chi about two years old.. and was told he was there.

In fact it was not Fraggle the epileptic Chi..another Chi just put in his cage.Half an hour later, someone else calls.."No Fraggle the Epileptic is in the Animal Hospital".Call the Animal epileptic Chi Fraggle there either..Where is this ONE EPILEPTIC CHI that I and NOW alot of other people across the Country and WORLD want to know.

I work worldwide with people and their epileptic animals, who care for these very special animals until their dying day..EVERYONE KNOWS HIS STORY NOW and are disgusted by the fact NO ONE will give us a straight answer on his fate.Is he alive or dead? Adopted or in a cage somewhere hidden from public viewing? (people have gone in LOOKING for him!!)This may only be "one epileptic dog in a shelter" that you think NO ONE CARES about, but that is not the case.There is now international attention to this case involving Fraggle (cage number 717..epileptic supposed to be on Potassium Bromide) and there is outrage.
People will be boycotting visiting your beautiful State and continue to spread the word about Fraggle the epileptic dog, until we get answers.Here is a picture of Fraggle, Mr Mayor and Governor..maybe you can go take a peek to see if you see him there..Heaven's knows NOBODY else can seem to find out his whereabouts or his fate.Please, take the time, show you care..find out what is going on! We have gone to alot of time and trouble trying to find out the fate of this dog..can you spare a few moments to do the same?

We have dedicated our LIVES to helping epileptic dogs..why will your State and Animal Control NOT allow us to help Fraggle??


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