March 30 Update
March 29 was the beginning of preliminary hearings for Alex and Gloria regarding Noah’s Ark. Basically the city presents the “evidence” they are basing their charges on and then the judge decides whether the case merits the time and expense of the court to move forward. Alex and Gloria, as represented by their attorney, have the right to cross examine any witness the city puts up.
The City’s Star Witness
Come See Her Next Dramatic Performance
(maybe there will be an interpretative dance added!)
The City of Long Beach only had one witness: Lt. Michelle S. Quigley. The DA was over an hour late (as usual – her time is SOOOO much more valuable than any of ours) and then other cases popped into the court in the middle of our hearing -- so we did not get to the point of cross examination in the preliminary and no decision has been made yet.
The case was continued to next Thursday – April 5 at 9:30 AM in room 24 at the courthouse. (Take a break from doing your tax returns and join us at the Long Beach Court House – then you can see what your tax dollars are funding!)
We anticipate that the judge will say that the case does merit a trial -- and we're a-okay with that! A jury trial will allow Lt. Quigley to show her real stripes and her working-with-the-media training – she’ll probably cry a whole bunch more especially if there are cameras there. Pnina Gerston and Glenn Pendergast will be called to testify and you’ll see what kind of truly IN-credible witnesses the City of Long Beach has chosen to use. Alex, Gloria and The Noah’s Ark Animal Justice Committee look forward to trial so you all can find out why we believe what an insane, incestuous, animal-hating, corrupt city Long Beach is.
Quigley Brought to Tears???
Yep – CROCODILE Tears!!!!
Quigley turned on the waterworks at the end of the March 29 hearing -- it was so rehearsed even the judge was confused by it. The cat she was describing on the witness stand was a feral (and we all know how much Quigley hates ferals!!!) that was so sick, it had been scheduled for euthanization by Noah’s Ark on the day of the raid. Long Beach Animal Control – who didn’t bother to ask about medical records when Quigley admitted Gloria was there the WHOLE time – decided to prolong this cat’s agony by keeping it alive for days longer. This poor feral cat was sick and dehydrated when it was dropped at Noah’s Ark. A state-licensed veterinarian consulted on the kitty’s condition; and Noah’s Ark & the vet knew it was cruel to keep this kitty in its misery. LBAC was not so kind. The story of LBAC and their vet deciding to shave this cat belies the fact that this cat was being kept alive without good cause and that shaving such a sick kitty was cruel beyond measure – but they did it anyway. This “story” was when Lt. Quigley “broke down” on the stand – and well she should, she should be ashamed of what she did on many levels.
The Press Telegram Keeps
The City Happy -- Again!
Of course, due to the way the process of a hearing works – the Press Telegram only printed what it could – Lt. Quigley’s twisted, taken-out-of-context, and often MADE UP testimony. Cross will be far more interesting. Too bad the Press Telegram didn’t bother to go back and read its own reporting on this case – the examples of her ever-changing story were many!
Animals in a Freezer –
The REAL Story
the Press Telegram Wouldn’t Report
The District Attorney also is trying to make a BIG deal about animals being in a commercial freezer wrapped in plastic bags. For any who do not know – and of course the Press Telegram couldn’t be bothered to do some investigative reporting...oh it’s sooooo hard! --- when animals pass, any facility (be it a rescue, a pet store, a veterinarian or LBAC) is required BY STATE LAW to store the animal in a freezer wrapped in plastic until it can be cremated and it’s remains returned OR picked up and sent to a rendering plant to become cat and dog kibble. When you have your pet put to sleep at a vet’s office – this is what your vet does. This is what Long Beach Animal Control does with the thousands of healthy, happy animals they kill every year. A company will then come to your facility to pick up the frozen remains from your commercial freezer (your little home refrigerator doesn’t really meet state code!) What no one OTHER than Long Beach Animal Control does is take them out of those bags and poses their frozen bodies on the pavement – that takes a special kind of perversion.
Lt. Quigley also testified that Noah’s Ark had the audacity to put poop and pine shavings in their commercial dumpster along with the mop water they sucked up with a commercial shop-vac (and put into mop buckets) so it didn’t go into drains that drain to the ocean. Imagine!!!! Putting poop in a dumpster!!!! Those Noah’s Ark people are INSANE to actually dispose of poop in the proper manner. Good thing they took photos and have now presented them as evidence.
An Invitation
You can see just from what we’ve talked about here that this case is one that will make you shake your head in disbelief – the city’s conniving is baffling! Come join us for the next ‘installment” on April 5 at 9:30 AM! See it for yourself, because trust us – no one will ever believe you!
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