Fraggle is Found! But He Barely Made It...
We are overjoyed that Fraggle has been adopted. However, the story of this dog's journey to his new home after he left Noah's Ark is a travesty. This is a dog with a very difficult medical condition. It was on a vet's recommendation that he not be neutered because it could trigger an episode of epilepsy that would kill him. LBAC had such disregard for his life, that he not only was misidentifed and his life put at risk because of their negligence; his care for the last 2 months has been outrageously poor. Fraggle is full of parasites. He has such severe chemical burns on his feet that he would barely walk on his pads. We would like to credit the people at Westminister Pet Sanctuary for being tenacious about locating this dog. For her efforts, Kelli at Westminister was spammed, harassed and called an animal killer by people from Friends of Long Beach Animals, Pnina Gersten MFCC, LBAC and several other "rescues". This is deplorable. We hope Fraggle and his new family have years of joy and fun together. Please take a moment to read his story:
It was such a relief talking to you and finding out more about our little man Peter(Fraggle) . On Oct. 7th for some reason I was compelled to go to the Long Beach Animal shelter. I had been thinking about getting a buddy for our little Lola a rescue dog we obtained 2 yrs ago. We can't imagine our lives without her. On that Saturday Oct.7th as I was wandering through the kennels with a lump in my throat looking at all the sad little faces. I stopped at one kennel and saw this sweet little face pretty much asking for my help. He stuck his paws out and wrapped them around my hands. It was love at first sight. His paws were extemely discolored and looked very painful. I filled out an application for adoption and was then able to visit with him. It appeared it was painful for him to walk but he was kissing me. My daughter came to meet him and he also loved her. Next we brought in Lola and they hit it off so the adoption was complete. We were not able to take him home as they were taking him to the vet to be neutered and we were advised we could pick him up at the vet on Monday. I asked about his history and I was told he was a stray picked up in Long Beach on 9/17. Asked about his feet and know one seen to have a clue. A kind volunteer said she would stay and bathe him and would have the vet at the shelter look at his feet I stayed until the vet looked at him and she thought they may be chemical burns. Possibly the kennels had been cleaned but not rinsed out and he stood in the chemicals. I can't believe no one ever noticed his condtion. When we picked him up from The Vet on 10/9 (whichis the same vet we use for our pets) we had the doctor examine Peter's feet and she was appalled as she had never seen anything like it. She gave us some anticeptic foot wash and atibiotics. My daughter has soaked his feet twice a day and cleaned them and they are now on the mend, we can actually see his paws are white and the skin between all four paws is healing. We took him back to the vet for a check up and she agreed his paws were much better but we continue to soak them. We also mentioned that he had a seisurethe first night home. She suggested to keep an eye on him and if it happenedagain to bring him in for test. She also did a fecal test and Peter checked positive for parasites so he is taking medication for that for 13 days. On Oct 21 I received a message on my recorder from the SPCA saying the dog I had adopted was from Noah's ark and may have seisures so I should check out their website. I did just as they suggeted and sure enough this little guy we adopted was on it and they were frantic about his whereabouts due to his condtion. Why was I told he was a stray?? and nothing said about seisures?? I contacted Alex who's # was on the site and told her I had Fraggle she was over joyed!!!. She gave me the background on him and said he had been missing since 8/24. I told the story I was given about him being a stray and brought in 9/17. I also told her about his condition and apparently he wasn't in that shape when he was taken from Noah's Ark. Just by speaking with her I knew she was a special person and has a big heart for disgarded pets and ones that are not so perfect. I told her we did not care about Peter (Fraggle) having seisures we loved him uncondtionally. I almost fell for all the bad publicity given to Noah's Ark but now I am begiining to see the light!!! I'm sure if she loved and knew so much about our little guy theother homeless animals at Noah's Ark were loved the same!!! Give them back!!!Anita
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